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Coronavirus Update

Opening for the Spring Term


The government announced yesterday that primary schools in Ealing will not open from 4 January. The earliest our school will now open is 18 January. We did not expect this announcement. Our initial plans are:

  • Children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable are welcome to attend school and childcare, as usual

  • All other pupils will learn at home using Google Classroom.


Children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable are welcome to attend school as usual:

  • They are likely to be taught in Year Group 'bubbles' by teacher(s) from their own year group between 8.30am and 3.15pm. 

  • Places will be available to children who fit into this category. A Google Form will be sent out to parents to indicate if they will be attending.

  • Pupils learning in school and pupils learning at home will broadly follow the same taught curriculum.

  • Wrap-around childcare from 8am-8:30am and 3:15pm-5:30pm, Breakfast club and After-school club, is also available to key workers and vulnerable children only. The usual booking and fees apply. 


All other pupils will learn at home using Google Classroom:

  • Over this period we will be carrying out a remote learning approach. There will be a live meeting with the class teacher on Tuesday 5th January at 9am. This will be an opportunity for the class teacher to share expectations and answer any questions. After this, lessons will take place through Google Classroom. There will be recorded introductions from a teacher in the year group to the scheduled daily lessons.

  • Pupils learning at home and those in school will broadly follow the same taught curriculum.

  • Some teachers from each age group will be working in school so that we can support children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable. All other teachers from each year group will support children learning at home. This might mean your child is working with a different teacher at home.


Thank you for your continued support.

Department for Education Coronavirus Helpline


The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is now available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:


Phone: 0800 046 8687




Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


For the latest advice and guidance on how to protect yourself, please visit: 
