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School Governors

The Governors work closely with the head teacher and the senior leadership team to raise standards and ensure that the school has high expectations of all its pupils. The Governors take a long-term strategic view and promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting school aims and policies.

In addition they appoint and performance manage the head teacher, agree the school improvement plan, set and monitor the budget and agree the staffing structure.

They do this together with the head teacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management and leadership of the school. At Wood End Academy, we are fortunate to have a very effective Governing Body, with many highly experienced, committed and knowledgeable governors.

Our Governing Body is made up of:

  • 4 parent governors elected by parents at the school
  • 2 staff governors elected by the staff
  • 6 member appointed governors appointed by the governing body, including a non-teacher staff member
  • 1 Head Teacher

Governors are at the heart of how Wood End Academy operates; If you want to contact the Chair of Governors, Rev Maureen Hider or any other governor please contact the school office.


Governing Body Committees

  • Full Governing Body (13 members)
  • Curriculum & Achievement Committee (6 members)
  • Finance & General Purpose Committee (4 members)


Governing Body Minutes

Minutes from the Governing Body meetings are recorded and are available from the school office.


Our Governing Body

Mr Warner Stainbank - Executive Head Teacher

I am an 'ex officio' member of the Governing Body which means I am a member because I hold the post of Head teacher. I have been in the teaching profession for eighteen years working predominantly in Ealing. Leading Wood End Academy is a real privilege. I am blessed with hardworking and dedicated staff who collectively contributes to the success of the Academy.

Wood End Academy has been at the heart of the Northolt community since 2011 and enjoys an excellent reputation within the local area. Parents are supportive and always appreciate the efforts of my staff - which lifts morale and makes the job worthwhile.

Our strong values underpin the ethos of this school and these help our children to be the wonderful people they are and for the school to feel like an extension of home. Children are enveloped with love, care and compassion. All members of our school community are encouraged to 'aim high to achieve excellence’' and this makes Wood End a very special place indeed.



Mrs Charity Jones - Chair of Governors

I am a wife and mom first and I know the worries, hopes, fears, and struggles of parents wanting the best for their children and entrusting them into the care and formation of a school body.   I have 2 children in the Academy and one child in Wood End Infant School.  One reason we choose Wood End Academy and I really do believe I have seen this to be true is that Wood End Academy is a place of excellence; not only in academics and achievement, but also in that the staff and administration choose to see and care for the whole child.  It is evident that the ethos of Wood End Academy is that we are more than just our academic achievements.  The staff truly do encourage and promote the welfare of the children as a whole.  This is why I want to be a part of continuing that excellence.  

I work part-time for a Christian charity as well as part-time as a mental health counsellor.  Though I currently spend most of my time counselling women and families who have experienced significant trauma, I have 15 years experience counselling including with young children, adolescents, families, couples, individuals, and groups.  I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy(BACP) and the Association of Christian Counsellors(ACC) and have regular training in safeguarding as well as other topics pertinent to the welfare of children.

Another reason I am passionate about Wood End Academy is that there are so many languages, ethnicities, cultures, and religions represented in the community.  And though you will very quickly learn I am American, I have spent significant time living in the Middle East, Spain, and now the UK as well as working with people from many different faiths and backgrounds.  I have a deep appreciation for and am most comfortable when I am surrounded by so many different people groups.  It is an honour and a privilege to be able to be a part of this community and this school and I want to be available to represent your concerns and hopes for your children as well as support the staff in their hard (and often unseen) work so that our children really do succeed as whole, healthy, and confident young men and women.



Ms Julie Evans - Vice-Chair of Governors

I have been on the Governing Body at Wood End Academy for a few years now and am very passionate about this schools achievements and successes.

I and my sister attended Wood End back in the 1980's and my 3 children attended here in recent years and the support and atmosphere is such a major part of what makes Wood End Academy the brilliant school it is today.

I have experience working with SEND children and have done voluntary work here at Wood End Academy. The dedication from staff & pupils alike is what keeps me wanting to be a part of such a lovely school.



Rev Maureen Hider- Member Appointed

I am the Pastor of a Baptist church and have links to various aspects of the local community. Before going into church ministry I trained as a teacher and have taught in schools both in UK and other countries. I also have training in counselling, majoring on ‘Bereavement care’ especially bereavement care for children and the impact that this can have on their approach to education. I believe that I have a lot of experience that I can bring to the school while serving as a governor and in helping the school to grow and develop in their approach to education and the encouragement of the children to do their best and aim high on all levels.



Mrs Janice Phillpot - Staff Governor

I have had a very special relationship with Wood End Academy for over 28 years. I have 3 daughters who all came through Wood End and they all enjoyed their time here. I began volunteering with trips, reading etc. I became a Governor before the new school was built and as part of the Governing Body team we were instrumental in getting this school built. Our school building was literally being held up by wooden supports.

I was asked if I would be interested in being a Parent Governor because I took a great deal of interest in the school. I was, and still am, passionate about children getting the best education they can. I feel that the school also gives our children a really good start to their future both academically and socially. School isn't just about teaching the curriculum it is also about helping children understand the impact they can make on society. Being a Governor has given me an insight into the legal and financial side of a school.

As Governors our role is to support the Head and the Leadership team to be the best they can be. We would never talk down to the school or presume that we know better than the Head. There is a fine balance between being helpful and supportive and being bossy and over-bearing.

Our main role is to make sure that as a school we are helping children and staff to be the be the best they can be.



Dr May Sule - Member Appointed

I have a background in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. I have been involved in developing, planning, implementing and managing relevant research themes and programmes on water, wastewater, sanitation, hygiene (WASH), health, environment, climate, policy and advocacy. Much of my work in the past years has focused on the technical and non-technical (socio-economic) aspects of achieving WASH success in line with the global sustainable development goals agenda, effects of climate change on water supply systems, neglected tropical diseases, health, behaviour change, women empowerment and stakeholder engagement. I am currently a Senior Research Associate in Water Quality, Climate and Health with the University of Oxford and an Honorary Researcher in Environmental Engineering with Imperial College London. I also lecture on relevant water and health modules at both Oxford University and Imperial College. I am involved in numerous schools outreach programmes at my workplace. I am passionate about children achieving their full potential and I have a keen interest in the poor and marginalised in society. It is this zeal that makes me want to be part of Wood End, having also had my three boys pass through the school some years back.



Mr Matt Haresnape - Member Appointed

I am currently the Senior Deputy Headteacher at Northolt High School which has very close ties with Woodend Academy. I am passionate about learning and the role education plays in transforming young lives. I have been teaching Art and Photography for over 28 years across a range of secondary schools, including a number in and around London. As a father of three daughters, I keenly appreciate the importance of nurturing all aspects of the child - the social, emotional and the academic. Children's happiness and well-being is something I can see is at the heart of Woodend Academy and as a governor would like to make sure it remains so. I believe that I have a lot of useful experience that I bring to Woodend Academy and  I am confident I can help the school, and this part of the Ealing community it serves, continue to aim high and achieve the excellence it is striving for.



Mr Prashant Srivastava - Member Appointed

My experience has largely been gained in the financial sector over the last 25 years, last 5 years of which have been at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) where I am responsible for improving the way the organisation considers and manages risk. As a public body one of our key values is to deliver in the best interest of the public and wider community and as a Governor I wanted to leverage some of these values and ensure that as a body we are resourceful, we put the students and teachers first and we keep the school and wider community informed about the school. Although, I have no direct link to the school, I believe my role is to bring an objective perspective for the overall benefits for the students, teachers and community. I have been on the Partnership Advisory Committee of governors from both schools since 2019.


On a personal level, I grew up in Liverpool, as the only BAME in an all-boys Catholic school, where the virtues that were taught helped make me become the person I am today. Hence, I believe that school spirit and the soft skills that are taught are just as important as the subjects matter. I moved to London twenty years ago and lived in various areas from Central London to Ealing before getting married, settling down in Harrow and having two beautiful daughters who currently go to Longfield Primary School, one currently in Year 1 and the other in Year 6. I have always encouraged them to play on their strengths and work out the chinks in their armour but most importantly enjoy what you do and find that thing you are passionate about. As for hobbies, I play tennis when I can and I am avid Liverpool Football Club supporter.



Mrs Magdalena Walc-Ziobro - Parent Governor

I have been close to Wood End community for 8 years, first as a member of staff at Wood End Infant School, then as a parent at both Infant and Academy and now as a parent governor for Wood End Academy for 2 almost years now. My family and I am originally from Poland and have lived in the UK since 2006.  I am a busy mum of two kids and work as a school office staff at a primary school in Greenford and also run a business along with my husband. Working in primary schools gave me extensive knowledge how schools are operating which I believe supports and adds to the school as it looks towards the future. I am honoured to be able to play a part in the ongoing success of Wood End Academy. I have a deep personal and professional commitment to improving the standards of education for all young people and am proud to be part of Governing Body for Wood End.  




Charity Jones


Anne Hayes


Maureen Hider


Matthew Jeatt



Becoming a Governor at Wood End Academy

Becoming a governor is a significant commitment and requires real commitment, time and effort.


Governors play an extremely important part in formulating and driving forward the strategic direction of the school. Supporting the school to ensure that it delivers high quality, and highly effective teaching and learning.


Governors will help all of our children develop to their full potential, whatever their starting point when they join and will support all of our children in achieving as much as they can, enabling them to experience early success in their lives.


Governors will support all staff at the school to improve their knowledge and skills to ensure their personal professional development.


Governors are responsible for ensuring the safety of our children, parents and staff at all times.


Governors are expected to fully engage in the work of the Governing Board behaving in a respectful, positive and supportive manner with children, parents, staff and other governors.


Governors can also expect to experience great personal satisfaction in knowing that they are playing an essential part in the school’s continuous improvement.
