From the time children join Wood End Academy they are encouraged to wear the school colours of maroon, white,grey and black. This enables then to take pride in their appearance and feel part of the school community. Headwear for religious or cultural reasons - including hijabs and headscarves, should be plain and in school colours: maroon or white. Please name all school uniform.
Winter Uniform
Grey or black skirt, tailored trousers or pinafore dress | Grey or black trousers |
White polo shirt or blouse | White polo shirt or shirt |
Maroon cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt | Maroon jumper or sweatshirt |
White socks or grey/black tights | Grey or black socks |
Summer Uniform
Red and white checked or striped dress | Short grey or black trousers |
Sandals with enclosed toes | White polo shirt or shirt |
Sunhats are recommended | Sun hats are recommended |
We ask that every effort is made to provide black, well fitted shoes. No trainers or boots.
P.E. kit (in a named drawstring bag) |
House T-shirts: Alexandra - Yellow, Lammas - Blue, Northala - Green, Walpole - Red |
Black shorts |
Black plimsolls |
Navy tracksuit may be worn for outside P.E. |
Official school clothing is available from: Kevins School Outfitters in Greenford, and 'One Stop School Gear'.
17 The Broadway, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 9PH
Open today |
09:30 – 17:00 |
Advice & Sales: 0845 466 7208