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Special Educational Needs (SEND)

In September 2014 the Government introduced a new code of practice pertaining to the provision for children with Special Educational Needs.  This Code of Practice provides statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations and applies to England.


Only the most complex needs should have an EHC (Educational Healthcare Plan) which will focus on progress and outcomes, these plans are put in place by a multi-function team which includes the school, health care professional/s, social worker (if applicable)


As a school we have a duty to:

  • Identify and assess SEN
  • Adapt teaching and the curriculum
  • Make adjustments to the learning environment
  • Provide auxiliary aids
  • Assess and review progress
  • Support transition
  • Prepare for adulthood
  • Develop staff re: SEN
  • Engage specialists
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of provision
  • Support access to extra-curricular activities


There are 4 areas of Special Educational Needs:

  1. Communication and Interaction
  2. Cognition and Learning
  3. Social, Mental and Emotional Health (note – not Behaviour)
  4. Sensory and/or Physical


In the initial stages the class teacher undertakes most of the provision for children with SEN within the class context. Individual targets are set for the child which will be based around high quality differentiated teaching, if this does not allow the  child to progress then ‘additional to or different from’ teaching strategies will be used, this may include involvement in a specific intervention programme. The teacher monitors progress, liaising with parents throughout the process, the requirement is that parents and teachers meet at least once per term.


If satisfactory progress is not made then the teacher will involve the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator on a formal basis, this includes specific targets to be achieved via intervention programmes. The SENCO arranges some extra in-class support/work within a small group for short periods outside the classroom context. This support is usually from a Teaching Assistant (TA), Specialist Teacher or, it may occasionally be from the SENCO .


The child’s teacher, SENCO and parents monitor progress and if satisfactory progress is not made then advice is sought from outside agencies. If after implementing the advice given by outside agencies, a child is still not making satisfactory progress then it is possible to apply to the LA to request a Statement of Special Educational Needs. If a Statement of Need is agreed, the LA is obliged to fund its requirements.


Parent’s co-operation, support and involvement is continually sought and valued.

No child should be on the SEN register without parental consultation.

Pupils who may have emotional or social needs can be referred to our on site counselling service.
