Wood End Academy aims to be a school of quality in which all children can develop their full potential, gain a sense of self-worth and prepare for adult life in a happy, secure and caring environment.
We shall achieve this by:
- helping the children develop lively, enquiring minds with which they can acquire the knowledge and skills needed throughout their adult lives
- providing access to education and equal opportunities for all our children
- promoting healthy lifestyles by providing a wide range of cultural and sporting activities
- developing the self-discipline and acceptable behaviour needed to become an active, contributing member of the community
- helping the children to understand their responsibilities as citizens in a rapidly changing world
- promoting understanding and respect for the religions and ways of life of others
- having a well qualified, experienced, happy and caring staff who work together as a team to achieve our aims
We are proud to be part of your children's future.
Our 5 Values
R...I am a RESPONSIBLE pupil and I take responsibility for my actions
E...I show ENTHUSIASM in my lessons and in all my learning
A...I show a positive ATTITUDE when faced with tough situations
C...I am CARING and care for others and our environment
H...I am HELPFUL towards my peers, adults and others in the community